More than Merely an Archive

EMA isn't just an archive solution for your data, offering both security and simplicity: EMA renders it usable in manifold contexts. Whether grappling with unstructured data, migrating a mail server, or exploring Case Management and eDiscovery. Discover more about the benefits of EMA.

Consolidate Your Business Acumen

In numerous organisations, the true value resides not merely in tangible assets but predominantly in the proficiency of their staff, their capacity to learn, and their flexibility to adapt. Despite this immense capability, many organisations overlook the opportunity to amalgamate this knowledge effectively.

This is precisely where EMA steps in: Whether it's email, files from your file server, documents from legacy systems, or SAP, EMA consolidates everything under one umbrella for organisation-wide usage.

EMA also saves you time. Employees frequently spend a substantial portion of their working day searching for data. EMA considerably accelerates this process with its exceptionally rapid search function, bolstered by attributes and metadata, transforming your documents into an easily searchable knowledge base.

In terms of security, EMA certainly raises the standard: secure data access and a centralised role and rights management establish the backbone of an intricate security concept. All data is, naturally, encrypted and safely stored.

To summarise, EMA is not just a legally compliant archive. It enhances efficiency, conserves and centralises valuable company knowledge, and safeguards your data. With EMA, you and your organisation are well-equipped for the future.

Top Companies Utilise EMA for Archiving and Data Management

EMA and Microsoft 365

The Ideal Solution for Secure and Flexible Archiving

In today's interconnected business landscape, efficient digital data management is essential. Cloud-based solutions such as Microsoft 365 have become central to modern business proceedings. However, the increasing dependency on the cloud also presents new challenges, particularly in terms of data security and compliance.

EMA distinguishes itself not only as a supplement to Microsoft 365 for more robust email archiving but also as a holistic solution that integrates a variety of data sources.

Foreseeable Cost Structure

Dependably At Your Service

EMA is customised to your requirements, facilitating long-term planning. Your expenses are predictable for the foreseeable future - no unpleasant shocks. Mailbox sizes have no limit, and EMA's charges do not increase with the number of mailboxes. You retain management over your data and remain autonomous, as EMA dynamically adjusts to any circumstance.

The Final Word: A Secure Backup Copy

Pairing EMA with Microsoft 365 affords you a sturdy, secure, and adaptable solution for your email archiving requirements. EMA bridges the void by offering a legally compliant, adjustable, and thoroughly protected archiving solution. Collectively, they constitute an unparalleled duo for the contemporary business landscape.

Why Integrate EMA with Microsoft 365?

Compliance & Legal Safeguarding

EMA guarantees "genuine" archiving, preserving email messages in their original format, a crucial facet for legally appropriate storage.

Complete Control and Flexibility

With EMA, you're not confined to a single provider or storage area. Whether you persist with Microsoft 365 or transition to another service, EMA nimbly adjusts and provides limitless storage and mailbox alternatives.

Intuitive Search Function

Unearthing emails within extensive data sets can pose a difficulty. However, with EMA's comprehensive text search, you can swiftly and effectively locate precisely what you require.

Lifetime Licence

EMA equips you with a perpetual software licence, assuring autonomy and command over your data. A shift in strategy or provider presents no hindrance.

Optimal Data Protection

Securing your data is our primary concern. EMA delivers extra safety elements such as Trusted Computing, digital signatures, and chronological stamps to ensure impervious storage.

Secure Backup Copy

Furthermore, the backup copy facilitates immediate reinstatement in the event of data loss.


Mobile Archive at Your Fingertips

Having information readily available, no matter where you are, is crucial for success and efficiency. Maximise the potential of your mobile archive with ease using the EMA App!

Access your email, files, prints, scans, and phone conversations anytime, anywhere. Whether it's crucial business documents, historical archives, or other stored materials, our mobile archiving app delivers the information you need straight to your palm.

The greatest advantage of our solution? Unrivalled flexibility. Your team can continue working seamlessly outside the office, accessing documents instantly. It enables you and your colleagues to freely search and access information, liberating you from the constraints of a physical office environment.

Our powerful search engine finds what you're searching for in moments. Like all ARTEC products, we place the utmost importance on security with our app. Should your device be misplaced or stolen, access to the app can be swiftly and simply secured.

The EMA app allows you to streamline a wide range of business processes both efficiently and cost-effectively. Utilise your mobile archive as a ready-to-go frontend, eliminating the need to create your own mobile applications. Make your documents accessible whilst on the move – there are no limits!

Advantages of the EMA App

  • Everywhere: Access your knowledge from any part of the world.
  • Round the Clock: Your documents are at your fingertips 24/7, day or night.
  • Rapid: Our high-speed search engine provides the results you need in a flash.
  • Safe: Sophisticated security protocols protect even your most sensitive information.
  • Economical: Reduce the costs and effort of creating your own frontend.
  • Streamlined: Accelerate and simplify your team's processes.
  • Seamless: Use your M365 single sign-on in the EMA app too.

Case Management

Case Management

Discover the Potential with EMA

Case Management is centred on competently managing and supervising all significant information and documents for a case or issue, whether it's a legal investigation, financial audit, or internal review. EMA's Case Management feature is devised to assist you in this area by dramatically cutting both effort and expenses.

EMA's Legal-Hold feature enables documents to be instantly "frozen", ensuring their integrity in legal dealings. Our proven security architecture continually safeguards your data.

Furthermore, EMA enables precise data analysis essential for the eDiscovery process. This process includes finding, securing, and examining electronic data relevant to legal disputes. The precision and success rate in searching for this information are substantially improved owing to EMA's advanced technology.

Thanks to extensive transparency via audit logs and our Four-Eyes Principle feature, all actions are transparent and unauthorised alterations are prevented. EMA is compatible with nearly all typical data sources, guaranteeing no key detail is overlooked.

And the best part? EMA is versatile: You can also hire our solutions and run them in the cloud. This is significantly advantageous when you need to comply with legal requirements promptly.

"The swiftness with which we can execute search queries is a genuine game-changer for us," elucidates Nicholson. "Utilising EMA is also remarkably straightforward and user-friendly as it integrates flawlessly with our existing systems. Our objective is for the legal department to be able to carry out some of the research processes autonomously in the future, which will contribute to further ease and even more streamlined processes."

Jonathan Orme, IS Support Manager at Advanced Medical Solutions Group

Case Management with EMA

  • Create new cases effortlessly and swiftly supply pertinent documents
  • Find information in a flash and cut down on evidence security expenses
  • Instantly lock your documents or impose a retention on them
  • Significantly improve the precision and excellence of your search results
  • Record every step taken in an audit log
  • Reap the benefits of having all your data in one location, irrespective of its origin, format, or site
  • Easily adhere to legal obligations
  • Actively protect against alterations due to meddling or cyber threats

eDiscovery via EMA


Reinventing electronic evidence exploration.

EMA proficiently assists you with electronic evidence discovery (eDiscovery), a vital element in legal disputes where electronic data must be consolidated and scrutinised as evidence. In the realm of law and governance, swift and accurate eDiscovery solutions are essential, particularly in view of the continually expanding volume of data and evolving legal territories.

With EMA, you're able to process immense volumes of data without requiring numerous differing technologies. Our platform merges potent search capabilities with progressive data analysis, empowering you to discern relevant data more swiftly. You have the capability to effectively search, sift and order large data sets, markedly simplifying the eDiscovery process.

You have complete autonomy over the entire eDiscovery process - from unearthing data to formulating evidence documentation. EMA offers advanced features such as motif search, tagging, and data categorisation, enabling you to offer exact and pertinent data.

EMA ensures your eDiscovery procedure meets current legislative requirements and data protection regulations.

With capabilities such as Legal Hold, Audit Trails, and Access Controls, your data remains not only secure but also in line with legal obligations.

With escalating changes to data structures and legal conditions, EMA fluidly adjusts. Using EMA, the eDiscovery procedure is not just quicker and more precise, but also more secure and compliant with legal frameworks. This ensures you're well-prepared for every stage of a legal dispute.

Whether you're working with structured or unstructured data, our solution adapts to match your requirements while remaining efficient and user-friendly.

Your Benefits

  • Complete solution: We unite all essential characteristics for thorough data processing, analysis, data visualisation, and beyond.
  • Experts at your disposal: Capitalise on our technical proficiency, professional case management, and first-rate eDiscovery services.
  • Cost and time efficacy: Our technology allows quick handling and searching of substantial data volumes without the need for manual pre-selection.
  • Thorough coverage of all usual data sources: Email, files, paper documents and more.
  • Accuracy and user-convenience: Our search technology is straightforward, intuitive, and delivers highly precise results.

Transitioning Outdated Platforms

Data Migration: Swift, Straightforward, Seamless

Transferring business data can become vital for various reasons, such flexibility cost savings, performance enhancements, or introduction of fresh features. The switch of anything from email and documentation to intricate systems presents substantial challenges.

EMA is at your service. Our solution streamlines the transfer process across diverse platforms and formats. It not merely enables an effortless and efficient shift to new systems, but also secures the safe archiving of your precious data.

Say Farewell to Licensing Problems!

Struggling to break free from a costly legacy system? EMA is your key to a smooth transition. Whether you're aiming to move away from systems such as HCL Notes (previously Lotus Notes), Tobit, GroupWise, Exchange or other business mail servers, or even DMS systems like IBM FileNet, OpenText ECM, Hyland OnBase: EMA safeguards your legacy assets - active and deactivated accounts included.

What differentiates EMA is the live migration process, with zero downtime. With our live archive, your email messages and documents are stored directly and securely, even while legacy assets are efficiently imported in the background. This ensures a consistently high level of system performance and availability while simultaneously fulfilling compliance requirements.

Legacy System Transition with EMA

  • Cost-efficient
  • Simple and straightforward
  • Without disturbances during ongoing operations
  • Compatible with all standard email systems
  • Minimises storage space with single instancing
  • Standardised technology for future adaptability
  • Legally compliant and highly secure

When answering eDiscovery enquiries, we were compelled to amalgamate data from three systems and contrive a method for its suitable presentation. On occasion, it even necessitated manual trawls through various hard drives. The undertaking was colossal, and this frequently meant that the final outcomes were only prepared after a number of days, or some weeks on occasion.

Jonathan Orme, IS Support Manager at Advanced Medical Solutions Group

Interested in giving it a try?

Explore the potential of your EMA archive. Please get in touch with us here.

When our team needs to find an email, they simply ask an admin for a quick search. What used to be a lengthy and complex process is now incredibly straightforward, fast, and hassle-free. Thanks to EMA's full-text search capabilities, we can quickly dig up the information we need. Both our IT department and our colleagues across various departments couldn't be happier with the system.

Reinhard Pachler, IT Director at Pro Juventute

Success Stories from Our Clients

Well Protected

How SV SparkassenVersicherung is achieving legal compliance and secure email archiving with EMA.

A Cozy Home for Email, Files, and Documents

How Pro Juventute, Austria's beacon for child welfare, champions legal archiving with EMA.

Smooth Air Traffic and Email Management

How Bremen Airport implemented a legally secure email archiving solution, with a keen eye on employee rights.

Digital Transformation at the Car Dealership

How the WIEST Group leverages EMA to fully digitize service records.

The Perfect Fit

How Alfred Ritter GmbH & Co. KG found the perfect mix of legal security and quick email search capabilities with EMA.

Geared Up for MiFID II: Archiving Phone Calls, Email, and Chats

Pforzheim Calw Savings Bank ensures customer protection and legal compliance with EMA.

Archive vs. Backup

Archive and Backup – Chalk and Cheese

Data is the pulse of your organisation. However, a prevailing misunderstanding in data management is conflating backups with archiving. Both functionalities are unique, serving equally important roles. A backup is for retrieving data, whilst an archive conserves your data securely, categorically, and in a readily retrievable manner for long-term preservation.

Backup: Crucial, but Merely a Data Repository

A backup is unquestionably essential for any data protection strategy. It generates replicas of your current files for recovery in the event of data loss or system collapse. Backup solutions effectively shield against unforeseen data losses from crashes, IT malfunctions, or human blunders.

Consider a backup as a safety net in a circus—it catches the trapeze artist should things go pear-shaped, but it doesn't enhance their trapeze skills.

Archive: Unleashing the Potential of Your Data

Contrary to backups, which fulfil a passive function, EMA offers a dynamic and engaged solution. With EMA, your data isn't merely stored in compliance; it's also swiftly searchable, effortlessly accessible, and simple to administer. You transcend beyond mere storage, transforming your data into a lively, valuable resource that's continually at your grasp.

A backup without an archive is akin to a car without a steering wheel—valuable in crises but not engineered for advancement. EMA amplifies your backups by converting your data into a strategic asset for legal adherence and long-standing business prosperity.

Advantages of the EMA Archive

Legal Conformity

EMA fulfils legal stipulations for the extended, genuine storage of business-vital data—a task traditional backups fail to accomplish. Compliance is essential to evade serious implications such as tax disadvantages or legal repercussions.

Thorough Data Loss Prevention

EMA securely safeguards your vital business data, offering a supplementary layer of protection against system failures, IT complications, and human oversights.

Losing your corporate data could impose substantial financial risks, far surpassing the expense of an effective archiving solution. Whilst backups offer snapshots of a point in time, EMA captures your data assets continuously and securely.

Enhancing Internal Efficacy

Digital archiving with EMA boosts transparency in your business operations and enhances internal processes. EMA also facilitates specific needs such as deletion plans, bespoke archives, corporate conglomerates, and the two-man rule, preserving the integrity of your data.


Unorganised data encompasses invaluable information which corporations should consolidate to forge significant associations. Structuring with EMA permits organisations to obtain precious insights.

Interested in Discovering More?

Take charge of your data and transform your unstructured data into valuable insights! Reach out to us here for a complimentary consultation.

Organise Your Data with EMA

Introducing Structure to Your Unorganised Data: A Path to Success

Organisations frequently produce an immense volume of documents from a range of systems and sources. This data is typically unstructured, signifying its diversity and the challenges in its oversight and utilisation. EMA offers a plethora of exceptional features such as efficient search, metadata allocation, and folder harmonisation. Convert your unstructured data into invaluable information today!

Why Organise Unstructured Data?


Unorganised data encompasses invaluable information which corporations should consolidate to forge significant associations. Structuring with EMA permits organisations to obtain precious insights.

Efficiency Enhancement

With EMA, handling unstructured data becomes direct and swift, resulting in more efficacious resource utilisation and liberating staff to concentrate on more worthwhile tasks.

Competitive Advantage

Organisations that effectively utilise their unstructured data with EMA can achieve a knowledge superiority. They can react more quickly to market shifts and develop innovative solutions.

Legal Hold Administration

In audits or legal disagreements, EMA promptly assembles all pertinent documents from diverse sources and systems.

High-Performance Storage for EMA

VSTOR Vault provides first-rate, adaptable, and cost-effective storage solutions. Tailored specifically for varied application environments and seamlessly integrated with EMA, these product family models deliver unmatched connectivity and performance. Effortlessly increase your storage capacity with our flexible and scalable solutions that evolve with your organisation.

Future-Proof and Adaptable Storage Solutions

Uncover the benefits of our intelligent archiving solutions, boasting inclusive and progressive security principles. Our solutions fulfil the strictest compliance regulations and provide proficient handling of unstructured data.

First-Class Security

Archive your documents with guard against tampering and in adherence to legal standards using digital signatures, timestamps, and the two-person rule.


VSTOR Vault adjusts to your requirements. As your business expands, VSTOR Vault grows alongside you.

Relieving the Primary Application

Significant relief of the primary application results in noticeable performance improvements.

Cost Effectiveness

Significantly cut your IT infrastructure expenses, encompassing storage media and databases, permanently.

Compact and Environmentally Friendly

Our devices blend energy efficiency with ample capacity.

Ready to Proceed Further?

Don't delay in safeguarding your priceless data! Learn how EMA offers a supremely secure repository for your data, shielding your business from cyber-attacks.

EMA and Cyber Defence

Safeguard Your Data from Cyber Assaults!

Ransomware attacks are an ever-present danger. From hospitals and car dealerships to SMEs, large corporations, and public institutions—no organisation is impervious to becoming a target.

Traditional IT Security Measures Are Insufficient

Conventional IT security protections only provide restricted guard against already recognised malware patterns. They frequently fail to combat new, progressively advanced attack methods, affording hackers and cyber crooks a significant advantage.

In this constantly changing threat environment, EMA stands as a crucial component in your cyber defence plan. EMA expands on traditional security solutions by not merely securing your data but also safeguarding its integrity throughout its entire lifecycle.

With superior archiving technologies that guarantee unchangeable storage of your data, EMA safeguards against cyberattacks fully breaching your company's data. Even in the instance of a successful ransomware attack, you can persist with operations without giving in to ransom demands.

This ensures your data remains secure and intact as a trustworthy source you can always depend on.

Advantages of EMA

  • Complete Security: EMA develops a distinct, encrypted duplicate of your business data.
  • Unrivalled Security Levels: With VSTOR Vault storage, EMA transforms into a secure data vault that remains unseen and unbreachable by attackers.
  • Rapid Recovery: With EMA, you can retrieve lost data in seconds with just a few clicks.
  • Uninterrupted Operations: Even in the event of an assault, you can maintain your business operations with minimal disturbance.

Would You Like to Know More? We're Here to Assist!

Birgit Würtele

Christian Wieck

Michael Niehoff

Sasa Mitrovic

Keen to discover more about EMA's capabilities and uses? We'd be delighted to present EMA in a live demonstration. We eagerly await your enquiry!

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