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EMA for SAP Solutions and ArchiveLink: The Perfect Match

In the fast-evolving world of SAP document archiving, there is a lot of misinformation circulating. This post clears up some myths and shows why ArchiveLink continues to play a key role and how the live archive EMA for SAP Solutions perfectly complements this proven technology.

ArchiveLink: The Foundation of SAP Document Archiving

For over 30 years, ArchiveLink has been a proven technology that is perfectly integrated into SAP. The interface ensures efficient archiving of documents outside the SAP database.

EMA for SAP Solutions: The Next Step in the Evolution

ARTEC's EMA for SAP Solutions builds on the strengths of ArchiveLink and extends them to include modern functionalities. The AOS (ARTEC Operating System) firmware already includes an SAP-certified content server. EMA supports modern SAP technologies such as S/4HANA while meeting the highest data protection and compliance requirements. For both in-house systems and in the SAP private or public cloud, EMA maximizes performance by relieving the SAP database of as much data as possible. At the same time, migration to S/4HANA is much easier, more effective, and more cost-efficient in such a lean SAP environment.

EMA for SAP Solutions is straightforward to set up and configure. It fits seamlessly into any SAP environment – in the cloud, on-premise, or in hybrid environments. Just like SAP, EMA has an open architecture and can be expanded at any time to meet future requirements. EMA for SAP Solutions is compatible with any storage technology, e.g. SAN, NAS, or iSCSI. With VSTOR Direct Attached Storage, EMA is well protected against potential cyber attacks.

The Truth About ArchiveLink and CMIS

Some vendors have been claiming for years that ArchiveLink is on its way out. However, the interface remains a central component of SAP architecture and continues to be the first choice for companies with high document volumes.

CMIS: An Addition, Not a Replacement

Since 2017, an extended, open, and vendor-independent interface called “Content Management Interoperability Services” (CMIS) has been available for SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud. For SAP document and data archiving, CMIS continues to rely on ArchiveLink technology but offers additional options for necessary or individually desired functions in the public cloud. These can include a global cloud active directory, global rights distribution, metadata mapping, or separate attribute assignments.

Many of these functions are already integrated as standard tools in ARTEC's AOS firmware, which is why a connection to CMIS is not currently necessary for EMA for SAP Solutions. However, the open AOS structure also supports the connection to CMIS. Should it prove useful in the future to switch to CMIS, EMA can also use this interface.

Conclusion: Into the Future with EMA

The combination of proven ArchiveLink technology and innovative EMA for SAP Solutions provides a future-proof archiving strategy with maximum flexibility and scalability. With optimal performance and cost efficiency, EMA provides full support for current and future SAP technologies.

Find out more in our video on the topic!

ARTEC is committed to continuity and innovation. With EMA for SAP Solutions, customers get the best of both worlds: the reliability of ArchiveLink and the future-proofing of modern archiving technologies. Companies can rely on the power of experience and the vision of innovation with EMA for SAP Solutions.

Read more about the various modules and numerous recommended features of EMA for SAP Solutions!

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